At some point in the future I might start to move PDFs onto different pages by subtopic. For now everything is on this page.
Files are organized by category, and within category by date of publication.
Table of Contents
Accidental Exposures
Medical Consequences of Nuclear Warfare
Medical Aspects of Biological Warfare
- 123 KB. "Telephone conversation transcript, J.E. Hull and L.E. Seeman". 13 August 1945. (From Alex Wellerstein's Restricted Data blog.)
- 1.19 MB. "Ignition of the Atmosphere with Nuclear Bombs". E. J. Konopinski, C. Marvin, & Edward Teller, Los Alamos National Laboratory. 1946. Poor readability.
- 5.98 MB. "The Effects of the Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki". United States Strategic Bombing Survey. 19 June 1946.
- 1.77 MB. "The Family Fallout Shelter" US Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization. June 1959. (View on the Internet Archive.)
- 246 KB. "1963 Report of the Net Evaluation Subcommittee, National Security Council". Publication date unclear, partly released 2013. (More information here.)
- 915 KB. "Report of Ad Hoc Committee on Medical Care in Public Fallout Shelters". National Academy of Sciences - National Research Council, Division of Medical Sciences. 28 August 1964.
- 8.38 MB. "Chapter V: Structural Damage From Air Blast". Chapter in The Effects of Nuclear Weapons, edited by Samuel Glasstone and Philip J. Dolan. US Department of Defense & US Department of Energy. 1977.
- 2.63 MB. "Development of a Low Cost EMP Protection Concept for Emergency Operations Centers". D. B. Clark, Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory, Port Hueneme, CA. January 1982.
- 1.85 MB. "The Yields of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Nuclear Explosions". John Malik, Los Alamos National Laboratory. September 1985.
- 70 KB. "Medicine, Public Health, and the Lurid Ethics of the Cold War". H. Jack Geiger, Medicine & Global Survival, vol. 1 no. 1, 1994.
- 811 KB. "U. S. Government-Sponsored Radiation Research on Humans 1945 - 1975". Michael McCally, Christine Cassel, & Daryl G. Kimball, Medicine & Global Survival, vol. 1 no. 1, 1994.
- 971 KB. "Hacking Nuclear Command and Control". Jason Fritz, International Commission on Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament. 2009.
- 2.18 MB. "Analysis of Sheltering and Evacuation
Strategies for an Urban Nuclear Detonation Scenario". Larry D. Brandt & Ann S. Yoshimura, Sandia National Laboratories. SAND2009-3299. May 2009.
Accidental Exposures
- 2.34 MB. "Radiation Doses in the Pajarito Accident of May 21, 1946". Hoffman, Joseph G., et al. 26 May 1948. Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory.
- 5.26 MB. "The Acute Radiation Syndrome: A Medical Report on the Y-12 Accident, June 16, 1958". Marshall Brucer, editor, for the United States Atomic Energy Commission. April 1959.
- 173 KB. 3 excerpts from Physical Factors and Modification of Radiation Injury. Harold E. Whipple and L. D. Hamilton, editors. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, volume 114, art. 1. 31 March 1964. (Please see the note at the beginning of this file; I transcribed it myself, so please tell me if there are typoes.)
- 5.28 MB. "Plutonium in Man: a Twenty-Five Year Review". Patricia W. Durbin. Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, UC Berkeley. (Sponsored by US Atomic Energy Commission.) June 1971.
- 1.32 KB. "What Has Happened to the Survivors of the Early Los Alamos Nuclear Accidents?". Louis H. Hempelman, Clarence C. Lushbaugh, and George L. Voelz. October 2 1979. Submitted to the Conference for Radiation Accident Preparedness, Oak Ridge TN, 19 - 20 October 1979.
- 293 KB. "Medical Devices: The Therac-25". Nancy Leveson. Chapter from Safeware: System Safety and Computers, Addison-Wesley, 1995.
- 519 KB. "A True Measure of Exposure: the human tissue analysis program at Los Alamos". James F. McInroy. Los Alamos Science, number 23 (1995): 234 - 255.
- 1.1 MB. "The Human Plutonium Injection Experiments". William Moss & Roger Eckhardt. Los Alamos Science no. 23 (1995): 177 - 233.
- 3.77 MB. A Review of Criticality Accidents. Thomas P. McLaughlin, Shean P. Monahan, et al. Los Alamos National Laboratory, May 2000.
Medical Consequences of Nuclear Warfare
Partial text found at the Borden Institute. Full text at the Internet Archive.
Editors Richard I. Walker & T. Jan Cerveny, U.S. Army Office of The Surgeon General. 1989.
- 226 KB. Chapter 1. Leonard A. Alt, C. Douglas Forcino, & Richard A. Walker.
- 358 KB. Chapter 2. T. Jan Cerveny, Thomas J. MacVittie, & Robert W. Young.
- 362 KB. Chapter 3. Robert F. Dons & T. Jan Cerveny.
- 10.45 MB. Biological Warfare Testing: Hearing Before the Subcommittee On Arms Control, International Security, And Science of the Committee On Foreign Affairs And the Subcommittee On Energy And Environment of the Committee On Interior And Insular Affairs, And the Subcommittee On Military Installations And Facilities of the Committee On Armed Services ... House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, Second Session, May 3, 1988. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1988. CSPAN recording of this hearing (3 hours, 27 minutes).
- 1.47 MB. "The 1971 Smallpox Epidemic in
Aralsk, Kazakhstan, and the Soviet
Biological Warfare Program". Editors Jonathan B. Tucker & Raymond A. Zilinskas. Monterey Institute of International Studies, Center for Nonproliferation Studies. July 2002.
Medical Aspects of Biological Warfare
Full text found at the Borden Institute.
Senior editor Zygmunt F. Dembek. Editors Martha K. Lenhart, Dave E. Lounsbury, & James W. Martin. US Army Office of the Surgeon General. 2007.
- 1.27 MB. "History of Biological Weapons: From Poisoned Darts to Intentional Epidemics". James W. Martin, George W. Christopher, and Edward M. Eitzen, Jr.
- 533 KB. "Epidemiology of Biowarfare and Bioterrorism". Zygmunt F. Dembek, Julie A. Pavlin, and Mark G. Kortepeter.
- 7.01 MB. "Smallpox and Related Orthopoxviruses". Peter B. Jahrling, John W. Huggins, M. Sofi Ibrahim, James V. Lawler, and James W. Martin.
- 4.94 MB. "Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers". Peter B. Jahrling, Aileen M. Marty, and Thomas W. Geisbert.
- 563 KB. "Laboratory Identification of Biological Threats". Erik A. Henchal, George V. Ludwig, Chris A. Whitehouse, and John M. Scherer.
- 1.22 MB. "Consequence Management: The National and Local Response. Kermit D. Huebner and James W. Martin.
- 1.15 MB. "Medical Management of Potential Biological Casualties: A Stepwise Approach". Theodore J. Cieslak and George W. Christopher.
- 7.06 MB. "Medical Countermeasures". Janice M. Rusnak, Ellen F. Boudreau, Matthew J. Hepburn, James W. Martin, and Sina Bavari.
- 440 KB. "Biosafety". Catherine L. Wilhelmsen and Robert J. Hawley.
- 296 KB. "Biosurety". Gretchen L. Demmin.
- 5.02 MB. "Ethical and Legal Dilemmas in Biodefense Research". Jeffrey E. Stephenson and Arthur O. Anderson.
- 6.69 MB. "Emerging Infectious Diseases and Future Threats". Chris A. Whitehouse, Alan L. Schmaljohn, and Zygmunt F. Dembek.
To do:
- add a section + individual chapters of "medical aspects of chemical and biological warfare"
- Other chapters of MCNW and MABW (?)
- Table of contents - add links within the page
- Fix and standardize citations
- Add a links section for recommended sites (Restricted Data; Internet Archive; Borden Institute; etc.)
- Better deployment of links to Internet Archive (?)
report issues
go back home
Last update: 29 May 2020